
Judge Recommends Disbarment Of Ex-Trump Lawyer

A judge from the California State Bar Court in late March recommended that the law license of former Trump attorney John Eastman be revoked...

Liz Cheney Calls On SCOTUS To Rule Decisively In Trump Case

Former US Representative Liz Cheney has voiced her displeasure with the Supreme Court's handling of Trump's claims of presidential immunity. On April 25, the Supreme...

Last Living Survivor of Pearl Harbor Attack Dies at 102

At the age of 102, Lou Conter passed away. Conter was the last living survivor who served on the USS Arizona battleship that went...

Armed Robber Who Killed Toddler to be Released on Parole in Weeks

William Ngati, who caused the death of a baby, Skye Sassine, during a police pursuit, will be released from prison in five weeks despite...

Arizona Cop Killed After Man Crashes Car into Police Vehicle

On Monday, officials announced that a Tucson police officer had tragically lost his life in a collision with a motorist. The officer was responding...

Expert Weighs In On Fatal Bridge Crash & Collapse

An ex-captain of commercial marine vessels who has frequented the port of Baltimore detailed the steps to take in the event of a cargo...

Electric Car Explodes at Home in Colorado, Couple Flees in Nick of Time

An electric car in Boulder, Colorado, started smoking and then exploded in a garage on the morning of March 31st, causing frightened neighbors to...

American Credit Scores Hit Record Lows

Historically speaking, the United States of America has often been perceived as a land of opportunity, liberty and prosperity. In the past, these individuals...

Murder Charges Drop After 3yo Boy Is Killed

The actor Alec Baldwin has previously been extremely open about his progressive personal political opinions and is no supporter of the second amendment or...

House Dem Announces Retirement In Huge Shakeup

Six-term New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Annie Kuster announced late last month that she would not seek reelection in November, leaving the Granite State’s 2nd...

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapses After Ship Hits It

The companies that own and manage the cargo ship that struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on March 26 causing it to...

Trump’s Bond Deadline Quickly Approaches

Monday is a crucial date for Donald Trump to avoid the seizure of his properties by the government following his civil fraud trial in...

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Just In

Released Biden-Hur Transcript Reveals Details Of Interview

The transcript of President Biden’s October interview with special counsel Robert Hur was released on March 12 ahead of Hur’s appearance before the House...

Russia Suffers Major Troops Losses In Just One Week

The Russian army has suffered tremendous casualties as it has advanced westward along the front lines. Russian forces in the war-torn country lost 1,160...

Poland Sends Leaders To US Seeking Ukraine Aid

During their meeting at the White House, Presidents Joe Biden and Andrzej Duda of Poland discussed bolstering defense expenditures for Kyiv and showing solidarity...

Kirby Dodges Questions About Netanyahu

White House National Security spokesman John Kirby avoided answering questions on President Biden’s view of Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. During an interview on Fox News, Shannon...

Border Patrol Busted In Bribery Scheme

The Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge near Laredo, Texas, is used by illegal immigrants and drug smugglers. A former CBP officer admitted to taking bribes to...

U.S. Works On Haiti Evacuation Options As Violence Escalates

The U.S. State Department is exploring its options to help evacuate American citizens who are trapped in Haiti. The country is currently experiencing a very...

Missouri Democrats Celebrate National Reading Day by Reading Transgender-Inclusive Book to Children

Quinton Lucas, Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, was joined by city council members and other officials in a public reading of “Introducing Teddy: A...

Mike Tyson Announces Comeback Fight

On July 20 in Dallas's AT&T Stadium, which can hold 80,000 spectators, former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson will face off against YouTuber turned...

Mike Pompeo Expresses Interest In Position Under Trump

Mike Pompeo's statement on Sunday indicated his readiness to join a new Trump administration if invited infuriated former MAGA supporters of former president Donald...

DOJ Launches Criminal Probe Into Alaska Airlines

A door plug came loose from one of Alaska Airlines' Boeing 737 Max planes while in flight, prompting the DOJ to investigate the airline....

DOJ Corners Hunter Biden On His Biggest Defense

The arguments made by Hunter Biden's legal team in their bid to have certain tax charges dropped were effectively dismantled by the Department of...

AOC Faces Biggest Challenge Yet In Democrat Opponent

According to reports, a long-shot primary challenge to New York Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been filed by Wall Street insider Marty Dolan. In his...


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