Jen Psaki Roasted Over Abortion Claims

Aspiring Republican leaders debated various issues, including abortion, in the network’s inaugural primary discussion.

Jen Psaki, a former White House spokeswoman, caused a stir when she said that abortion is not supported until birth.

On Wednesday night, the Republican presidential hopefuls for 2024 had their first debate. DeSantis, as governor of Florida, has defended his restrictions on abortion by citing his own experience.

He said a pro-life culture is something he strongly supports, and the Heartbeat Bill was a privilege to sign into law.

He said that hearing his eldest daughter’s heartbeat from within his wife’s belly and then seeing sonograms of all three of his children was a life-altering experience. He said the Democrats’ position on permitting abortions up to the moment of birth is very troubling.

In response to pro-life Republican candidates, Psaki claimed that “no one” supports abortion up to the moment of birth in a post she made on X.

There was an outpouring of disapproval on social media after she made the ridiculous claim.

Rebecca Downs, editor of the Townhall website, reacted with “AYFKM?” You used to be employed by the guy who did!

Another Townhall staff member, John Hasson, noted that on February 28, 2022, 46 Democrat Senators supported the bill.

The Psaki claim has been debunked by The Spectator contributing editor Stephen L. Miller.

Except for a solitary vote, every Democrat in the United States Senate supported a measure that would legalize abortion until birth.

Many people asked Psaki to clarify her stance.

Ed Morrissey, the managing editor of the conservative site Hot Air, recently asked an opponent of abortion to specify at what point in a pregnancy they supported a ban.

Ilya Shapiro of the Manhattan Institute was curious about what constraints Psaki had.

The GOP spokesman Matt Whitlock said he was eager to hear Jen mention even a single restriction on abortion that she would subsequently support.

The most salient and simple point came from Lauren Chen –

“Why don’t we simply make it illegal then?”

This is precisely when the left enters into a circular argument, saying there is no need to write a law banning it because it doesn’t happen.

The rebuttal to that assertion is, “If it doesn’t happen, why do you oppose a ban on it?”

“Because abortion is not supported up until birth,” they maintain.

Rinse. Lather. Repeat.