While on a surfing vacation to Mexico, two brothers from Australia, Jake and Callum Robinson, and a buddy from America, Jack Carter Rhoad, have gone missing. Before failing to appear at a previously scheduled lodging over the weekend, the brothers were last seen in K-38, a well-known northern Baja surfing location. The boys’ loved ones are preparing to go to the area to assist in the search.
In the Maeadero region, south of Ensenada, authorities discovered a lady in possession of a phone belonging to one of the brothers, along with methamphetamine.
The family hasn’t contacted them since Saturday, April 27th. Following their camping weekend, they would reserve an Airbnb in Rosarito with the help of another American travel companion.
Jack Carter Rhoad, the third member of their party, has also gone missing.
It has been verified that the family is receiving assistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Premier Roger Cook of Western Australia voiced his concern for the family, calling it “very worrying” to send young people abroad for adventurous vacations. Near their last campsite in Mexico, authorities discovered a burned-out vehicle that authorities suspect belonged to one of the Perth brothers who went missing. An abandoned white ute in the Santo Tomas region was found on a farm. It matched the description of the vehicle the three guys had driven while they explored the Baja California Peninsula in northwest Mexico.
In connection with the three men’s disappearance, two Mexican males and a woman have been apprehended. According to authorities, the police inquiry was initiated by social media postings on the trio’s disappearance. The guys were not formally reported missing until 48 hours had passed since their last sighting. South of Ensenada, three of the trio’s tents were located.
Baja California has the second-highest murder rate in Mexico in January, with 167 killings, according to Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s announcement in March. The state’s population density is 340 per 100,000.