January 6th Pipe Bomb Suspect Excuse Revealed By Investigators

According to an ex-senior bureau officer who headed the investigation, the FBI determined phone carrier records had been compromised, which hampered their investigation into the pipe bomb that occurred on January 6.

This month, members of the House Judiciary Committee had a closed-door interview with Steve D’Antuono, a previous assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office until the end of last year.

Surveillance footage shows the pipe bomb suspect sitting on a bench with what looks to be a public phone in Washington, DC; a newly released transcript extract shows him discussing a disturbing finding discovered by FBI detectives using geofencing technology to track down the culprit.

According to D’Antuono, the scenario was “awful” since investigators lacked critical pieces of information that would have helped them zero in on the correct carrier. He claimed the phone calls were corrupted, and no data could be extracted.

More than two years have passed since federal authorities said pipe bombs were placed outside the Republican National Committee and Democrat National Committee offices in Washington, D.C., on January 5, 2021, the night before the riot on January 6, and the suspect, who was seen in video surveillance footage only as a hooded figure carrying a backpack, has yet to be publicly identified. About seventeen hours after they had been placed, authorities discovered the devices.

News outlet Revolver revealed information about the mystery pipe bomber in August of 2022.  The bomber was seen on video, but the FBI would not release it.

According to an interview with Bannon’s War Room, Revolver’s Darren Beattie said he ran a Google walkthrough on the bomber’s path, and Beattie discovered the pipe bomb was placed mere feet away from where a security guard had been standing that night. But neither the Secret Service nor the security guard didn’t notice anything?