Fox News Anchor Talks About Seeing People Defecate In Public

Sandra Smith, an anchor on Fox News, recently discussed how seeing a public bowel movement affected her.

A report shows The Five’s discussion concerning homelessness and public defecation in San Francisco. Smith said the remark about eliminating waste got to her, given that it had recently happened to her in New York City.

Greg Gutfeld, a co-host on The Five, jokingly asked her if she was defecating. Smith said No, but she saw someone doing it. She said it happened approximately three feet from a police vehicle, and it did something to her. She said it was horrible to see.

According to a report, nearly half of San Francisco’s commercial sidewalks in 2021 and 2022 had excrement on them, according to a study just issued by the city’s Controller’s office.

On Monday, the city’s top accountant and auditor published the annual “Street & Sidewalk Maintenance Standards” assessment documenting the city’s widespread cleaning issues.

Two studies conducted in 2021 and 2022 examined the cleanliness and upkeep look of more than 3,000 streets and sidewalks, and their findings are detailed in this report.

In order to determine how dirty a place was, they looked for graffiti, litter,  and broken glass. The Key Commercial Areas Survey focused on the city’s commercial districts, while the Core Citywide Survey focused on the city’s residential districts.

The citywide health risks with the most frequency were broken glass and feces. The analysis found that broken glass was among the most frequently seen hazard, occurring on around 50% of the streets and sidewalks evaluated. About 50% of the surveyed roadway sections in Key Commercial Areas and one-third of the city area had feces.

According to the report, South of Market, Tenderloin, and Mission were not the only neighborhoods affected by the stench of human waste.

The Controller’s Office said it would collaborate with the San Francisco Public Works, the governmental department responsible for maintaining the city’s roadways.

A reparations committee has recommended offering $5 million payments to each qualified Black inhabitant that could run over $100 billion when the city struggles to maintain its streets.