AOC Says Trump ‘Broke’ and Hosting Rally to ‘Fleece’ People

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Donald Trump organized a rally in the South Bronx because he’s “broke.” The Democrat said the former President wants to try to “fleece” every dollar he can out of people “to fund his legal fees.” The New York native said the former President has a “legal version of an ankle bracelet” around him and can’t leave the five New York City boroughs because he has so many court cases to attend.

Analysts suggest that Trump chose to host a rally in the Bronx to drive home the fact that he is a New York City native and that he is winning support from a variety of demographic groups. The Bronx has a population of around 1.5 million people, the majority of whom are black or Hispanic. The last Republican President to win a majority in the borough was Calvin Coolidge back in 1924, and the last Republican to win New York City was Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

Commentators say Donald Trump is highly unlikely to break that trend, given the low level of support for the GOP in 2016 and 2020. Donald Trump won 10% and 15% respectively.

The only Republican representing a New York City borough is Staten Island Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, who believes the Big Apple is ready for change. Staten Island backed Trump in both previous Presidential elections and the GOP have “flipped” seats Red across the city, Malliotakis said.

New York City Democrats, however, rallied round at the news of Trump’s visit, and Congressman Richie Torres warned Bronx residents that they have “no greater enemy” than Donald Trump. Torres said the former President intends to dismantle the social security safety net that residents depend on to survive. The Democrat called Mr. Trump a “fraud” and insisted that Bronx people will not buy the “snake oil” he is selling.

Trump’s team said he will make the most of his time in New York and speak to as many residents as possible.