Trump Refers to Defendants in Jan 6 Incident as ‘Warriors’

The Capitol riots on January 6th, 2021 is a historical event that will live on in infamy. Even three and a half years later, media personalities and politicians use the event as a representation of former President Trump’s character. On the contrary, Donald Trump has continued to defend his supporters who participated in the riots, while bashing media outlets who have publicly criminalized anyone involved. 

This past Sunday, former President Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the event, Trump defended the supporters who participated in the riots as he has done many times in the past. To his crowd of supporters, Trump defined the rioters of January 6th as, “warriors”. Trump further explained that the said warriors, were victims who were protesting a “rigged” election, a term the former President has used to describe the 2020 election many times. Trump then went on to state the January 6th riots were a set-up for Trump and his supporters, where Trump stated Capitol Police welcomed rioters into the Capitol building and then turned the situation around on Trump. 

In the past, Donald Trump has used similar terms to heroically describe the rioters. In November of 2023, Trump referred to the rioters as “hostages”.  In March of 2024, Trump vowed to dismiss the charges of all criminally involved in the 2021 event, claiming they had been wrongfully imprisoned. 

As the third anniversary of the January 6th Capitol Riots has passed, more than 1,200 people involved have been charged for the actions that unfolded that day. Nearly 500 people have been charged on the counts of assault and resisting arrest. More than 700 of the said individuals have pleaded guilty to the various charges, which are held at a federal level. During the Capitol Riots, around 140 police officers were injured and five died due to their injuries just days after the attack, according to the Justice Department.