A Spry Strategies survey found that former president Donald Trump is ahead of President Joe Biden in the pivotal swing state of Michigan. This pattern in Michigan has been going on for months.
A majority of state residents support deporting illegal immigrants en masse, according to a survey that was published on Tuesday night.
When pitted against Biden, Trump has a 48–43 percent edge. Another 8.3 percent weren’t sure or hadn’t decided who they would support in today’s election.
In the contest against independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump still has the lead over Biden, but it’s getting closer. He receives 43% of the vote, with Biden coming in second with 39.8%. Third place goes to John F. Kennedy Jr. with 8.8% of the vote, while 3.8% would choose “another candidate.” By this measure, the percentage of probable voters who are still undecided drops to 4.6%.When asked what problems were most important to voters, Spry Strategies found that economic concerns ranked highest—over a third of those surveyed ranked the cost of living (20.8%) or the state of the economy as their primary concern (16.4%).
At 21%, abortion was the second most popular choice, while at 14.6%, illegal immigration was the second most popular choice among voters.
Additional study results show that 51.6% of people think Trump was better for their families’ economic security and personal safety than Biden. Only 37.1% oppose this view.
If we narrow our focus to the southern border, 55.7% of registered voters in Michigan consider the current situation to be at a “crisis” level… A further 21.6% think it is “a serious problem,” while 14.5% call it “a somewhat serious problem.”
Among Michiganders, 43.7% would “strongly agree,” and 18.4% would “somewhat agree” that the nation should launch a widespread deportation campaign to rid itself of illegal immigrants. A little over 31% of voters oppose mass deportation in some way.
According to the average of the polls conducted by RealClearPolitics, Trump has a 3.4% advantage in Michigan. Out of the nine surveys included in the average since January, he has won seven, while he and Biden were tied in the other two.