A South Carolina town is grappling with the issue of revoking the business license of an abortion facility due to ongoing harassment and public disorder caused by pro-abortion activists. The Greenville Women’s Clinic (GWC) has become a site of contention, with pro-life volunteers engaging in peaceful protests, sidewalk counseling, and silent prayer outside the clinic.
According to Hayden Laye, the leader of Campaign for Abortion Free Cities Greenville, the situation outside the clinic has escalated to the point where the police have been wrongly called on pro-life activists. There have also been instances of property theft and prolonged harassment, such as the ringing of cowbells for hours on end. Additionally, protesters have resorted to hanging condoms filled with rotting food around the facility to impede the exercise of First Amendment rights.
The disruptive behavior outside the GWC has prompted Greenville Councilman Stan Tzouvelekas to propose a resolution that would revoke the clinic’s business license. The resolution cites the clinic’s contribution to a public nuisance, the high number of response calls to law enforcement, and the clinic’s failure to provide adequate security measures.
Data from the Community Crime Map reveals 82 incidents within 500 feet of the clinic between June 1, 2023, and November 29, 2023. During the same period, there were 45 instances of simple assault and seven breach of peace/disturbance calls. The resolution also highlights ten malicious damage incidents between March 12, 2022, and September 7, 2023. The Sheriff’s Office has reported responding to the clinic more than 300 times, resulting in approximately 20 arrests.
The resolution has garnered significant support, with the majority of the audience at a recent council meeting erupting into cheers upon its introduction. Only about one-third of the audience stood in opposition.
State health reports have also revealed that GWC has failed to comply with regulations, including the improper management of infectious waste and the failure to maintain emergency kits during health and safety inspections.
South Carolina, which bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detectable, is one of 16 states where most abortions are illegal at around six weeks or earlier. The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2022 has further reinforced pro-life laws in these states, potentially leading to a significant reduction in abortions nationwide.
The news of Roe v. Wade’s demise last year triggered a wave of pro-abortion anger, threats, and violence across the country. Nonprofit pregnancy centers faced 88 attacks, and Catholic churches experienced over 200 attacks. Additionally, intimidating protests took place outside the homes of Republican-appointed justices, with the tacit approval of the Biden administration and then-House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi.