As 2024 continues on, national media outlets have attempted to place a heightened focus on the upcoming general presidential election. Despite being months away and political lightyears from the present, both major national political parties are gearing up for the battle for control of the White House. In the Republican party, former president Donald Trump has locked up his nomination. Despite four criminal indictments being levied against the American business mogul from New York City, his support amongst likely Republican voters continues to increase, and he currently enjoys galvanized support from many conservative leaders around the nation. In the Democratic party, President Joe Biden enjoys the benefits of the incumbency and appears to have also locked up the nomination. President Biden faced opposition from Robert Kennedy Jr.. Kennedy Jr. has positioned himself as a moderate, attempting to appeal to the historic blue-dog working class base of the Democratic party. Unfortunately for him, much of those voters have left the party and become Republicans in recent years as the Democrats have increasingly adopted far-left progressive positions on issues across the political agenda. Kennedy is now running as an independent.
The Republican nominee, Donald Trump has been beleaguered by many legal battles. He was recently convicted of a felony in relation to the adult film actress Stormy Daniels and a hush money trial. He has spent hundreds of thousands on legal fees while still attempting to campaign. Trump may be receiving a major break, however, as the Supreme Court recently ruled that the president now enjoys immunity for controversial conduct (deemed by some as criminal) while serving in office and acting in the official capacity of the presidency.
The decision may have a significant carryover effect to many politicians and lawyers allied with Trump who have faced charges for conduct relating to the 2020 election. Many progressives have been up in arms over the ruling and claimed it’s a threat to “democracy”.