CBS anchor Tony Dokoupil called out Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and accused him of ignoring real Republican proposals to tackle the crisis at the southern border. During an interview on January 4, Mayorkas tried to turn the tide against Republican Governors and said they are irresponsible for shipping migrants to “sanctuary” regions from the southern states. Dokoupil hit back, saying, “Republicans want a stop to the flow — with very specific ideas! You’re not even talking about those ideas this morning!”
The discussion was shared on Twitter, and some people reacted with surprise that a CBS host would make comments supportive of Republicans. “Is Tony Dokoupil TRYING to get fired by CBS? CBS doesn’t like it when the Biden administration isn’t PRAISED,” one person wrote. Others called for Secretary Mayorkas to be impeached and prosecuted for overseeing unprecedented chaos at the border.
Impeaching Mayorkas is an idea shared by many senior Republican figures on Capitol Hill, and it could become reality in 2024. House Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly backs impeaching Mayorkas, and the plan is to do so via the House Homeland Security Committee rather than the House Judiciary Committee, which would be the usual route. Republicans believe the proposal would have more support on the Homeland Security Committee.
Last year, Georgian Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called Mr. Mayorkas a “liar” and introduced a motion for his impeachment. She lost her bid, however, when fellow GOP lawmakers refused to back her. Eight Republicans joined Democrats to kill the motion in the House of Representatives.
“Congress has failed to act on the overwhelming evidence to impeach” Mayorkas, Taylor Greene later said. She maintained her argument that the Homeland Security Secretary failed to protect the integrity of the US border and keep America safe.
Despite record numbers crossing into the US illegally under his watch, Mayorkas told the House Homeland Security Committee that the border is “not open,” and the only crisis is a humanitarian one.