Mainstream Media Admits What Trump Got Right

Bret Stephens, a well-known Trump basher, made the improbable case in a recent essay that Trump is a strong contender for the 2024 race since he successfully addressed essential concerns during the 2016 campaign.

Stephens said that the massive migration of people from all parts of the world had profoundly altered our demography, culture, economics, and politics; it is, without question, one of the most consequential geopolitical events of our century. Trump understood this from the start of his 2015 presidential campaign.

According to Stephens, Trump encapsulated the public’s prevalent feeling of decline and gloom, and Trump’s thesis may carry more truth today, Stephens grudgingly said.

Stephens said Trump’s honest remarks were seen as a moral crisis in Western politics and were fascinating to watch. His message struck a chord with millions of other Americans because it was simple and to the point.

Trump, said Stephens, aided in the general public’s loss of faith in impartial authorities, professionals, and non-profits. He emphasized the need to recognize these institutions’ politicized actions. In addition, he stressed that brokenness is now a hallmark of American society, impacting many spheres, including households, public and private schools, rural areas, urban centers, colleges and universities, healthcare systems, news outlets, religious institutions, and even the executive branch. The quality has dropped dramatically. The American people see their government and its officials as complacent and uncaring as if they are on autopilot.

Stephens claims many people will remember Trump’s first term favorably in 2024. Many Americans remember the Trump years in a good light. It was under the Biden administration that wages began to surpass inflation.

He has had a resoundingly negative reception for this new essay.

The current flood of migrants has shaken long-held beliefs about America’s status as a country of immigrants, making his new viewpoint all the more relevant.