After a high school student in Massachusetts leaped from a window while under the influence of magic mushrooms, authorities began looking into a local dealer they suspected of preying on young people. The student’s injuries were severe.
According to a Boston media outlet, the unidentified kid from Brookline High School fell six stories after using the illicit substance.
According to the Brookline Police Department, the event led to the identification of “Niko,” a reputed narcotics dealer in Brookline Village who allegedly had a predilection for selling drugs to minors.
The police department said that several of these things ended up in Brookline High School, where they were discovered by students with things that were supposedly bought from Niko.
The Brookline police department has added drug charges against Niko, who they say purchased narcotics, including hallucinogenic mushrooms, from marijuana dispensaries and then sold to his many juvenile clients.
As an additional cautionary measure for parents, the police department released a slideshow displaying the items confiscated in connection with Niko’s arrest.
A report shows that a mom from the area expressed her deep worry about the drug problem among the youth in her town. She said it was extremely worrisome, and they had no idea what was going on.
Amedeo Bettauer, a student at Brookline High School, said he believed Brookline was a nice place, and it is troubling that individuals are doing these narcotics.
The psychedelic compound psilocybin is found in mushrooms, which are often known as magic mushrooms, mushrooms, or just mushrooms. They are brewed like tea or incorporated into meals to alleviate their harsh taste.
The DEA lists the following physical side effects: vomiting, nausea, weak muscles, and incoordination. Among the mental side effects of psilocybin include a loss of perception of reality and hallucinations. Additionally, users may have psychotic-like episodes and panic attacks, especially after consuming large doses.
More severe and protracted episodes include emotional and physical damage and death.