Donors are still being hosted by President Joe Biden at the White House in the run-up to the 2024 election, even though legal counsel has pushed back. Despite limitations on such activities, the White House Counsel’s office is concerned that Biden is bringing contributors to private lunches and briefings at the White House less than a year before the election.
Despite being warned by legal counsel that providing access to his white house in exchange for a donation within a year of a reelection campaign is risky, his cash dinners and briefings are anticipated to continue. Political activity is legal since all small-group discussions have been held in non-official places inside the White House.
There are three possible safe venues for hosting benefactors at the White House: the tennis pavilion, the ancient family dining room, or the map room. About six events have passed since Biden began his reelection campaign in April 2023. At these events, he has tried to reassure contributors that he is qualified to be president while also touching on issues like abortion access, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and Trump.
There are limits to where the president can entertain contributors and other people he may invite to the White House, which have been outlined for him by the office of the White House Counsel.
Biden is hardly the first president to entertain wealthy backers at the White House in the days leading up to their reelection. It is customary for presidents of both parties to entertain supporters in the White House complex, which serves as both a workplace and a private home, according to Andrew Bates, the deputy press secretary of the White House. Throughout their reelection campaigns, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden have all used the White House to rally fans and contributors. In the last week, Biden has held his first two formal campaign events, signaling increased political activities.