The presidential election of 2024 is ever closer with each passing day. As the calendar month of January enters its midpoint, the Iowa caucus was recently held and the official start of the Republican presidential primary has occurred. In Iowa, the former 45th president and business and real estate mogul from New York City Donald Trump achieved a resounding victory over several challengers. Trump received over 50% of the support in that state among Republican primary participants, while Ron DeSantis finished in distant second place with only 20%. Nikki Haley received 19% of the vote, and Vivek Ramaswamy received 8%. Ramaswamy has since declared he will be dropping out of the contest following his disappointing showing and has said he will be endorsing Donald Trump.
Many poles in New Hampshire claim that Nikki Haley and Donald Trump are in a very close race. That primary is set to occur later in the month. Unlike Iowa it is not a closed primary system and anyone regardless of party affiliation can show up and vote in it. Therefore, many people think that Trump may be vulnerable if Democrats and independents come and vote in the Republican primary against him by choosing Nikki Haley. While many Republicans and Democrats (and establishment politicians, media experts and celebrities who oppose him) claim that Trump would be vulnerable in a general election, polls say otherwise. In many key swing states, Trump appears to be beating the incumbent President Joe Biden should the 2024 presidential election become a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 contest.
Biden is certainly vulnerable, and while Trump is widely unpopular, Biden is not liked much better. Many people even in overwhelmingly liberal states view him poorly. In a crucial swing state of Pennsylvania, Biden is leading Trump. Despite this, the Biden campaign is quite worried as the functions of the campaign have been split between two different places- the White House and Delaware.